Yosef Mokir Shabbat
The Surface Explanation: Our Relationship With Shabbat It is one of the best-known stories of the Gemara—the story of Yosef Mokir Shabbat. As is typical
The Surface Explanation: Our Relationship With Shabbat It is one of the best-known stories of the Gemara—the story of Yosef Mokir Shabbat. As is typical
I was surprised but not shocked to see the passing of Rav Nota Greenblatt, zt”l, described in last week’s Jewish newspapers in a small blurb.
A large Religious Zionist congregation in North America slightly amends the standard text of the blessing for the State of Israel authored by Rav Yitzchak
The iconic story of the mother and her seven sons recounted in Gittin 57b is well-known and often repeated. It is most certainly etched in
If you had to compress the teachings of Tanach into one simple sentence, that sentence would be “you reap what you sow,” or middah k’neged
It was one of the most critical issues with which I have dealt. It was a case of a woman who had married in a
We all feel a special connection to the Kotel HaMa’aravi. Even on very short trips to Eretz Yisrael, a visit to the Kotel is a
Why is so much of our liturgy and holy texts in Aramaic? When hearing a ketubah read aloud at a chuppah, we wonder why the
A Kohen’s Soaked Socks In ordinary times we would not consider it. However, when praying outdoors on the still-moist ground this past Shabbat, a Shaarei
Are we permitted to participate in tours of Har Bayit (the Temple Mount) led by Orthodox groups in Israel, such as the Machon Mikdash (Jerusalem’s
There is some confusion concerning the practice of galut Jewry regarding lulav and sukkah on Shemini Atzeret. Let us shed some light on practices that
Despite the raging storm and despite establishing Yonah’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the sailors still endeavor to save Yonah along with their own lives.