Essential Dating Lessons Gleaned From Megillat Rut
Boaz clearly exhibits romantic interest in Rut in Perek 2 of Megillat Rut. Why then did the relationship fail to blossom into marriage at that
Boaz clearly exhibits romantic interest in Rut in Perek 2 of Megillat Rut. Why then did the relationship fail to blossom into marriage at that
What a refreshing breath of fresh air to hear last Shabbat from an up and coming star in the world of Jewish education, Rav Shimshon
It is a dilemma with which many families grapple. The children deeply desire to make aliyah but the parents, sometimes elderly, insist that the children
The Haggadah, most appropriately, moves us to thank Hashem on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Every commentator to the Haggadah finds the Dayeinu poem puzzling. For example, why
The Korban Pesah stands out as the sole Korban that must be fire roasted—“Tzeli Eish.” Every other Korban that is consumed may be prepared “B’Chol
Avid baseball fans are excited that the baseball season is finally under way. Religious fans may wonder if Hashem is a baseball fan, whom would
The problem is well known—there is considerable wealth in the Modern Orthodox community. The most recent PEW study of the American Jewish community found that
Many Kehillot in Teaneck pride themselves in their devotion to study of the Rambam. This author even witnessed one Beit Kenesset in which the Rambam’s
A spirited debate erupted at Congregation Shaarei Orah, the Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck, this past Sunday. I dedicated our Sunday morning post-Shaharit shiur to the
The immensely popular Teshuvot VaHa’arev Na presents Torah in an attractive and compelling manner enjoyed by layman and scholar alike. In this well-liked series the
It is the dream of every outstanding talmid at a Yeshivat Hesder to be either the rosh yeshiva of a Yeshivat Hesder or a dayan
What services can one’s non-Jewish help provide on Shabbat? Is she permitted to fold laundry, wash clothes, vacuum the floors and wash dishes? We addressed