Sephardic Rescue of Hamin/Cholent
Part II Last week we noted the concern of many of the congregants at Congregation Shaarei Orah, the Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck, regarding the rulings
Part II Last week we noted the concern of many of the congregants at Congregation Shaarei Orah, the Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck, regarding the rulings
Does one Levi suffice for the washing of the hands of the Kohanim or should all Levi’im in the synagogue help the Kohanim prepare for
It seems odd, at first glance, that Sephardim read the first perek of Yirmiyahu as the haftarah for Parshat Shemot. After all, this very haftarah
Last week, we noted that according to Rav Moshe Feinstein, an amah is 21.25 inches, according to Rav Avraham Chaim Na’eh it is 18.9 inches
In a well-known comedy routine, Bill Cosby reenacts Hashem instructing Noah to build the ark. Hashem instructs Noah to build the ark 300 cubits (amot)
A great light entered my home a few weeks ago when I was presented by a representative of Eretz Hemdah with a volume of their
Only Reuven heard the voice of Hashem! The brothers confer with each other and plan to murder their brother Yosef. The pasuk describing the plan
Most of the active mesadrei gittin (get administrators) in the United States gathered in Manhattan last week for a day-long conference. It was a fantastic
There is great excitement when a young couple meet and there is a spark of connection. The excitement builds and reaches its peak with the
A recent article in a Jewish publication describes a memorial event open to the public which will end with what it describes as the “quintessential
The 28-year-old Orthodox father of two small children whom you supervise at work is not performing well. Moreover, he is not receptive and is even
Almost without exception, my friends and classmates who have made aliyah have significantly more children than those who remained in the United States. Israel has