February 18, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Rabbi Judah Mischel

Articles by Rabbi Judah Mischel


Reb Avraham Mordechai Alter—the “Imrei Emes” of Gur, zt”l—transplanted seeds of the nearly decimated chasidic community of his father (the Sefas Emes), and his grandfather

Simchas Torah, One Year Later

Each Sukkos, Rabbi Berel and Esther Raskin would host a big kiddush and Yom Tov get together in their sukkah with an open invitation to

Shabbos Shuva: Easy Does It

Reb Yaakov Krantz—the great Maggid of Dubno—related a timely anecdote: “There was a day laborer working as a porter who made his parnassa doing odd

Chodesh Elul

Reb Tzvi Hersch HaKohen of Rimanov, zt”l was a humble and unassuming tzaddik—unique among the rebbes of his generation. He was orphaned as a young

 Take a Look

Rav Yehoshua Eizek Shapiro of Slonim, zt”l—known as Rav Eizel Charif—was a phenomenal gaon, the rosh yeshiva in Minsk, and served as the rav of


May 1957, Kfar Chabad: The small fledgling community founded by Russian Lubavitcher immigrants was shaken to the core when Islamic terrorists (“fedayeen”) attacked the village,

‘Baderech’ to Geulah

Rabbi Yisachar Dov Ber of Radoshitz was once baderech (on the road), and spent the night at an inn. In the morning, he rushed to

Next Stop …?

The gaon Rav Yehonoson Eibshitz, zt”l, was a darshan (Torah commentator) dayan (halachic judge) and one of the most accomplished Torah personalities of the 18th


A young refugee—who had lost his entire family in the Holocaust—and arrived in New York in the mid 1940s, Rav Chaim Tzvi Schwartz was at

From the Dust, Ashreinu

In the rural Ukranian shtetl of Teplik, there was an ehrliche yid—a Breslover chassid—known as “Feivel-Ashreinu.” A sincere and (seemingly) simple tailor—each night, he would

The Snake and the Tzaddik

The great tzaddik, Chacham Eliyahu haKohen haItamari of Izmir (died 1729), was a famed Kabbalist and Dayan who authored more than 30 seforim—including “Sefer Shevet