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Rabbi Moshe Taragin

Rabbi Moshe Taragin is a rebbe at Yeshivat Har Etzion located in Gush Etzion, where he resides.

Articles by Rabbi Moshe Taragin

Wearing Judaism in Public

Unlike other religions, Judaism is founded upon moments of direct Divine revelation. Despite the infinite and non-physical nature of God, He reveals himself and His

Judaism Is Different

For approximately 2,000 years, humanity was lost in theological confusion and moral mayhem. Finally, one great man uncovered the Creator of the universe and journeyed

Cyber-Towers of Modern Bavel

Sadly, an entire planet had suffered total moral collapse and was tragically annihilated by the violent waters of the flood. Noach’s world disappears and humanity

Repairing Humpty Dumpty

Around 25 years ago, on Shabbat Bereishit, I attended a Friday night talk of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, zt”l, prior to Maariv prayers. These extensive wide-ranging

Sukkot: Spare Parts

The holiday of Sukkot is flavored by two distinctly different mitzvot. The experience of four minim is the most aesthetically pleasing mitzvah and the arrangement

We Are All Yonah

The dramatic story of Yonah being swallowed by a whale exhibits classic teshuva themes. An entire metropolis of Ninveh, condemned to death, ultimately rallies, repents

Preserving National Identity

Parshat Ki Teitzei presents a seemingly harsh set of guidelines for inclusion within the Jewish people. Marriage is strictly limited to pedigreed Jews and, additionally,

Statistics and Sorcerers

The ancient pagan residents of Israel practiced widespread sorcery and black magic. Many of these rituals, including witchcraft, wizardry, necromancy and soothsaying, were aimed at

Preserving Zeal

Pinchas is celebrated for his courageous intervention and is lavishly rewarded with priesthood. Indeed, special circumstances call for special measures, and his intrusion into this

Bo: The Importance of Jewish Culture

Moshe’s initial daring message of redemption went unheeded by the Jewish population. The Torah describes the national state of kotzer ru’ach and avoda kasha; the

Shemot: Patterns of Hate

While Western civilization views history as evolutionary and open-ended, Judaism views it is cyclical and predetermined. At several points in our tefillah we recite the