The Fusion of Land to Religion
During the Second Temple era a terrible and internally divisive struggle raged within the Jewish people. Two students of an early Tana/rabbi named Antignos misunderstood
During the Second Temple era a terrible and internally divisive struggle raged within the Jewish people. Two students of an early Tana/rabbi named Antignos misunderstood
At the burning bush, Moshe Rabbeinu is tasked with the mission of redeeming the Jewish people from Mitzrayim. As his first encounter with historical mission
The Egyptian exile was foreshadowed during the Brit Bein Habterim—the official launch of Jewish history. During a nighttime rendezvous with Hashem, Avraham was informed that
One of the most transformative korbanot is a chatat, offered in response to negligent shogeg commission of sin. It offers an opportunity for soul-searching, teshuva
Each of the five volumes of Torah She’bichtav carries a nickname that captures its core theme. Fittingly, the nickname for Sefer Shemot is Sefer Hageula
The disproportion between Amalek’s crime and their punishment is stunning. Their desert attack of the pilgriming Jews elicits a seemingly exaggerated response—a specific mitzvah to
Parshat Terumah introduces the ambitious project of constructing an edifice to house the presence of God. It is a one-time feat of human craftsmanship and
“We want fish, we want fish!” These ridiculous chants boomed through the Jewish camp as an angry mob clamored for a return to Egypt. Astonishingly,