‘Bechora’ or ‘Bracha’ … or ‘Bechira?’
Parshat Vayechi The completion of sefer Bereishit marks the conclusion of an era—the era of the patriarchs. And, together with that we find the resolution
Parshat Vayechi The completion of sefer Bereishit marks the conclusion of an era—the era of the patriarchs. And, together with that we find the resolution
Parshat Vayigash This week’s haftarah from sefer Yechezkel marks the closing of the Geula section of the book—a section that includes chapters 36 and 37.
Parashat Miketz Shabbat Chanukah Our haftarah this Shabbat, Shabbat Chanukah, is taken from Sefer Zecharya. The navi served his people in the fifth century BCE
The charge of every navi is to bring Hashem’s word to the people. More often than not, the message to be delivered is one meant
Parshat Vayishlach Although this week’s parsha describes the long-awaited reunion and rapprochement between Eisav and Yaakov, it also indicates that there seems to have been
Parshat Vayeitzei The final chapters of the Book of Hoshea from which our haftarah is taken, reflect the basic theme of the entire book, that
Erev Rosh Chodesh Kislev Parshat Toldot “Vayomer lo Yehonatan ‘Machar Chodesh’ … ” The opening words of this week’s haftarah—now a commonly used phrase for
Parshat Chayei Sarah Over the past years, I have shared with you the contrasting depiction of King David’s final days as described in our haftarah
Parshat Vayeira “ … V’Torat chesed al l’shona.” The events we read of in this week’s haftarah—a selection from the fourth perek in Melachim Bet—bear
Parshat Lech Lecha The opening pesukim of our haftarah are verses that immediately follow the haftarah of parshat Vaetchanan, the haftarah known as “Nachamu.” And,
Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, Parshat Noach As, once again, we read the special Shabbat Rosh Chodesh haftarah, we are reminded that this 66th perek of sefer
Yom Kippur “Kol makom sheata motzeh gedulato shel HaKadosh Baruch Hu—sham ata motzeh anvatanuto … ” In Masechet Megillah (31a), Rabbi Yochanan teaches us: “Wherever