Remembering to Be Grateful
Parshat Vayeitzei The parsha of Vayeitzei is replete with significant events and with messages for future generations. Jacob’s dream of the ladder extending from earth
Parshat Vayeitzei The parsha of Vayeitzei is replete with significant events and with messages for future generations. Jacob’s dream of the ladder extending from earth
Parshat Toldot The navi Malachi, whose words echo in today’s haftarah, served the Jewish nation during the time of Bayit Shani and actually was the
Parshat Chayei Sarah The bulk of this morning’s haftarah focuses upon the rebellion of King David’s fourth son, Adoniya. Although the rebellion did not include
Parshat Vayera This week’s haftarah selection, taken from Sefer Melachim Bet, shares with us two stories of the miraculous deeds of the navi Elisha. As
Parshat Lech Lecha The opening pesukim of our haftarah are verses that immediately follow the haftarah of parshat Va’etchanan, the haftarah known as “Nachamu.” And
Parshat Noach The haftarah of Parshat Noach, a selection taken from 54th and 55th perakim of Yishayahu, is a familiar reading as it includes two
The Song of Nature Parshat Bereishit The connection of this selection to our parsha of Bereishit seems rather obvious. The opening words of this selection
Simchat Torah Chazal’s selection of the first chapter in Sefer Yehoshua as the haftarah for Simchat Torah is certainly understandable, as it flows quite naturally
Yom Kippur Tefillat Mincha, the Mincha service on Yom Kippur, revolves around the reading of Sefer Yonah. I do not mean to suggest that the
Parashat Nitzavim This week’s haftara, the final one of the sheva d’n’chemta, the seven haftarot of consolation, does not only close the post-Tish’a B’av period
Parshat Ki Tavo “B’shuv Hashem et shivat Tziyon, hayinu k’cholmim.” David HaMelech penned these words at the beginning of the 126th psalm describing Israel’s reaction
Parshat Ki Teitzei The confluence of Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh that occurred two weeks ago, at which time we replaced the usual haftarah of Re’eh