Rejoicing in God or With God?
Parshiyot Nitzavim/Vayelech “Sos asis baShem!” The glorious cry of Knesset Yisrael (the body politic) to the nation (or, the nation to Jerusalem) urging them to
Parshiyot Nitzavim/Vayelech “Sos asis baShem!” The glorious cry of Knesset Yisrael (the body politic) to the nation (or, the nation to Jerusalem) urging them to
Parshat Ki Tavo This haftarah—the 60th perek of sefer Yishayahu—is one of complete nechama, a chapter of total solace and consolation and includes the following
Parshat Ki Teitzei There is very little to add to the short message expressed in this week’s haftarah. The 10 verses describe so beautifully the
Parshat Shoftim “Arise, Hashem, and don Your might as You did in earlier generations,” cries Yishayahu HaNavi in the verses that precede this week’s haftarah.
Parshat Re’eh עניה סערה לא נוחמה This week’s haftorah is the fourth of the “sheva de nechemta” and yet, its very first phrase “O, you
Parshat Eikev “ותאמר ציון עזבני ה’,וה’ שכחני”—Of the various responses of Israel to the promised redemption prophesied by the Navi Yishayahu, none are more painful
Parshat Vaetchanan Shabbat Nachamu The haftarah for Shabbat Nachamu opens the “sheva denechemta,” the seven post-Tisha B’Av haftarot with Yishayahu’s prophecies of comfort. It also
Parshat Devarim Shabbat Chazon This pre-Tisha B’Av reading, the last of the three haftarot of punishment (“telat de puranuta”), begins by describing the punishments that
Parshiyot Matot-Masei This second of the pre-Tisha B’Av haftarot continues directly from the closing pasuk of last week’s haftarah. We clearly understand our rabbinic scholars’
Parshat Pinchas As we begin the three week period of semi-mourning that precedes Tisha B’Av, so we begin the series of three haftarot of condemnation
Parshat Balak Sefer Micha—the sixth book in Trei Asar (a collection of the prophecies from the 12 “minor” prophets)—is the source from which this week’s
Parshat Korach Shabbat Rosh Chodesh The closing chapter of sefer Yishayahu is traditionally chanted on Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, which is why it is one of