The Kohen: More Than a Priest
Parshat Emor As we have learned from previous haftarah selections taken from the final section of Yechezkel, the navi describes the future Temple service that
Parshat Emor As we have learned from previous haftarah selections taken from the final section of Yechezkel, the navi describes the future Temple service that
Shabbat HaGadol Parshat Metzora After studying today’s haftarah, one realizes that there seems to be very little connection to the fact that it is the
Parshat Vayikra This opening parsha of Sefer Vayikra serves as a logical continuation of the final parshiyot of Sefer Shmot that we read last week.
Shabbat HaChodesh: Parshiyot Vayakhel-Pekudei The special maftir reading established by the Tana’im in the Mishna was meant to remind the congregation that the time to
Parshat Parah As the Pesach holiday approached, it was essential to remind the people that one must maintain a state of “purity,” as one who
Shabbat Zachor Parshat Tetzave This Shabbat before Purim requires us to read of our obligation to destroy Amalek, as the story of Purim came about
Parshat Teruma “V’asu li mikdash v’shachanti b’tocham” “V’shachanti b’toch Bnei Yisrael” The selection of the fifth and sixth chapters of Sefer Melachim as the haftarah
Shabbat Shekalim Parshat Mishpatim The Shabbat of, or before, Rosh Chodesh Adar (the Adar that precedes Pesach) is designated by the Gemara in Megilla as
This morning’s parsha describes for us the great “theophany,” the revelation of God, at Har Sinai, an event witnessed by the entire nation, experienced by
Upon reading this morning’s haftarah, one finds the connection to our parsha quite obvious. Just as the Torah reading included the Israelites’ great song of
Parshat Bo The navi Yirmiyahu was an older contemporary of the navi Yechezkel. Although the time of their activities overlap, Yirmiyahu prophesied in Yerushalayim to
Parshat Va’era Shabbat Rosh Chodesh The confluence of Rosh Chodesh and Shabbat this week obligates us to read a special haftarah, a selection that connects