Our Loving Father
Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech This week’s haftarah, the final one of the sheva d’nechemta, the seven haftarot of consolation, does not only close the post-Tisha B’Av period
Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech This week’s haftarah, the final one of the sheva d’nechemta, the seven haftarot of consolation, does not only close the post-Tisha B’Av period
“Vaf al pi sheyitmahmeah—im kol zeh achakeh lo bechol yom sheyavo, And even though it takes so long, I will wait every day” This week’s
I begin this week’s article with a question, wondering if any others have shared my experience—or not? During my first years after our aliyah, I
Parshat Re’eh This week’s haftarah is a selection taken from the 54th and 55th perakim of sefer Yishayahu and is the shortest of the seven
Parshat Eikev Over these years, I have shared with you the approach taken by the Tosafot in Masechet Megillah (31b) that these seven haftarot of
Parshas Va’etchanan Probing the Prophets With the haftarah of “Nachamu,” we begin the “Shiva d’Nechemta,” the post-Tisha B’Av readings of consolation that lead up to
Tisha B’Av As I sat down to share thoughts about this week’s haftarah, it occurred to me that, over these years, I have never commented
Parshiyot Mattot-Masei This second perek of sefer Yirmiyahu—also the second selection of the pre-Tisha B’Av haftarot, comprises the bulk of this week’s haftarah—stands in contrast
Parshat Pinchas This week’s haftarah is—in a number of ways—a story of beginnings, or, better yet, of introductions. As the first chapter in the book,
By Rabbi Neil N. Winkler Parshat Chukat-Balak The Gemara in Makkot (24a-b) tells us something interesting about the final pasuk of this week’s haftarah: “Six
Parshat Shelach The saga of Yehoshua’s spies and their encounter with the resident(s) of Yericho that is read for this week’s haftarah is a well-known
Parshat Beha’alotecha Over the past seven plus years, I’ve been granted the privilege of sharing with you varied textual methodologies, diverse philosophical approaches and different