February 19, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Rabbi Neil N. Winkler

Articles by Rabbi Neil N. Winkler

God’s Plan Will Be Done

Parshat Vayeishev Amos, a contemporary of the prophets — Yeshayahu, Micha and Hoshea — was a simple shepherd by trade who was called upon by

Rightful Punishment?

Parshat Vayishlach The haftarah that we read this week includes the entire sefer Ovadya — the shortest book in all of Tanach. Its purpose is

Faithfulness and Loyalty

Parshat Vayetzei As we closed last week’s parsha of Toledot, we read of Ya’akov Avinu’s departure from his parent’s home, following the request of his

The Burden of God’s Words

The very opening of sefer Malachi that we are privileged to read this Shabbat makes it clear why Chazal chose this perek, as the haftarah

Providing for a Successful Future

Parshat Chayei Sarah Over the years, we have discussed the comparisons — as well as the contrasts — between the stories related in the parsha

What a Contrast!

Parshat Lech Lecha As I sit to pen this message a short time after Yom Kippur, I feel the “mystique” of that holy day still

The ‘Waters of Noach’

“V’chol yetzer machsh’vot libo-rak ra kol hayom,” (Bereishit 6:5). As last week’s parasha of Bereishit closes, Hashem explains why He decided to destroy all of

Hashem the Creator

Parshat Bereishit As we begin the Torah reading cycle once more, we also start a new haftarah cycle; “new,” because, for the last three months

From Kodesh to Chol

Simchat Torah Chazal’s selection of the first chapter in sefer Yehoshua as the haftara for Simchat Torah is certainly understandable as it flows quite naturally

Humility Before Teshuva

Yom Kippur “Kol makom she’ata motzeh g’dulato shel HaKadosh Baruch Hu—sham ata motzeh anvatanuto..” In Masechet Megilla (31a) Rabbi Yochanan teaches us: “Wherever you find

Complete Exultation

Parashat Nitzavim “Sos asis baShem! —I shall exult in God!” No longer do we hear how Hashem urged the prophets to comfort Israel. No longer