Mighty Contests Rise From Trivial Things
At a recent visit to my doctor, he cited a quote from Alexander Pope—the famous British satirist—that “Mighty contests rise from trivial things.” His admonition
At a recent visit to my doctor, he cited a quote from Alexander Pope—the famous British satirist—that “Mighty contests rise from trivial things.” His admonition
It is surely not one of our run-of-the-mill minhagim. Generally, our minhagim deal with simanim—signs that indicate good mazel rather than bad fortune. They deal
A rav very close to Rav Elyashiv, zt”l, told me a terrible story where a baby, rachmana litzlan, passed away. It is a story involving
Sept. 1, 1923 was the 20th of Elul – almost 102 years ago. An earthquake, a very powerful one, hit Japan’s Kanto plain. It completely
There was someone who had walked out of the sanctuary of the shul to where the other men were making kiddush. This time, however, someone
Whether one is a Democrat or a Republican, everyone is in full agreement on one thing: It is not going to be a boring four
It happened in the late 1950s. But first, a brief description of a problem that really has nothing to do with us. It happens to
We all hope and daven for Moshiach’s imminent arrival. One way to bring it about faster is to keep his arrival foremost in our mind
What follows may be an innovative way in which to teach all about the ta’anis of Asara B’Teves: The Dream of Asara B’Teves Setting:
It is well known that on Shabbos Friday night, an additional neshama—an extra spirit and soul enters into a person. What is not so well
Chanukah is fast approaching and we need to reflect on the two nissim (miracles) of Chanukah: The nes that the oil kept burning. The nes
In a disturbing reflection of our times, we find ourselves confronting a society where the lines between right and wrong have become dangerously blurred. The