Anniversary of the United Nations: Why Did the League of Nations Fail?
This week was the 77th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations. The United Nations replaced the ill-fated League of Nations. The League of
This week was the 77th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations. The United Nations replaced the ill-fated League of Nations. The League of
Many of us are familiar with some of these families: They had moved to Eretz Yisroel, settled there and had even kept one day of
Some things in life are similar. Some different. And the halachos of sukkah and of matzah have some of both. The Gemara in Pesachim (6a)
This Rosh Hashanah and Sukkos, numerous Americans will spend Yom Tov in Israel. When Americans travel to Israel for Yom Tov, they often do one
As we enter Rosh Hashanah, we look for a zchus that can help us face our upcoming judgment. It may be something that also constitutes
Since many yeshivos, seminaries and schools are now beginning, it’s time to start contemplating what Elul is all about. Second Chances Rosh Chodesh Elul
With the rising cost of everything, including school tuition, some people may be wondering if the cost of tuition can be considered for maaser, giving
Part II Who Should Perform Chesed? The mitzvah of chesed applies equally to men and to women. It should also be taught to one’s children.
Part I Harrison Pawluk is an online personality who films himself performing “random acts of kindness.” He gets views in the millions. He shares videos
Tisha B’Av is over and Tu B’Av is upon us. It is the fulfillment of the biblical mitzvah of “v’ahavta l’rayacha kamocha” to attempt to
The Case The series of thefts was discovered in shul. One woman, a math teacher, decided to bring up the bizarre theft. “It was the
It may be a bit shocking, but the Marriage Foundation has studied the issue extensively and has determined that, statistically, 31% of second marriages fail.