The Other Hilchos Yichud
Most everyone is familiar with the standard prohibition of yichud. These are the laws forbidding seclusion with a member of the opposite gender. This is
Most everyone is familiar with the standard prohibition of yichud. These are the laws forbidding seclusion with a member of the opposite gender. This is
The October 7 depravity has, of course, revealed the national glue that binds all of Klal Yisroel together. There is an unprecedented unity among us
Question: My friend works for a used-car dealership and the tactics that the dealership uses to sell cars are very disconcerting. I want to know
It happened about a decade ago or so, and in some circles it is still discussed. The events that unfolded at one of the fanciest
Most people know that the universal custom among Klal Yisroel is to stay away from bakery products that are not pas Yisroel during this time.
Pidyon shvuyim, the rescuing of captives, is one of the greatest mitzvos in the Torah. The Rambam writes that whoever fulfills this mitzvah is mekayem,
You come home, it is late. Generally, in New York, when you come home late there is literally no parking within blocks of your home.
There is a fascinating Sifrei which the Chofetz Chaim quotes in the seventh chapter of his work, Sefas Tamim. The Sifrei states that seeing truth
We are now in the month of Elul and we should work on trying to be careful in all matters of Halacha, especially in regard
Last week, somewhere in England, a police officer was shot by a paintball gun. Paintball is an American sport that combines elements of tag, capture
It has become so ubiquitous that it is now a gift item—a Mani-Pedi gift certificate. But there are fascinating halachos that apply to expectant mothers
Tu B’Av is a special day in the Jewish calendar, involving shidduchim, the king’s daughter and the Kohen Gadol’s daughter. Other than that, not too