The Best Judgment Is Compromise משפט או פשרה (Sanhedrin 6a and b)
My father-in-law, a successful businessman with a law degree, would say that he studied the law in order to stay out of the courts. What
My father-in-law, a successful businessman with a law degree, would say that he studied the law in order to stay out of the courts. What
You put your hand into the pocket of your pants that just came back from the cleaners and you pull out the receipt you have
Once the incriminating testimony of witnesses in a capital case is found by the Beit Din to be admissible and to prove the elements of
Even the Washington sniper would likely be acquitted in a court of law bound by the Jewish laws of criminal evidence. There were no witnesses
Sanhedrin 19a, 40a You are sitting in your car at the traffic lights one Sunday morning waiting for them to turn green, when opposite you,
Sanhedrin 5a, 23a If you can’t handle rejection, don’t become a salesperson and don’t become a process server. You might get cursed or attacked, and
Sanhedrin 5a, 88b During the days of the Sanhedrin, the judiciary was structured in a three-tier system. The סנהדרין גדולה / Great Sanhedrin of 71
You can ignore a letter, you can duck a phone call, but you can’t play ostrich with a summons and complaint. If you do so,
מצווה לקיים דברי המת: Bava Batra 149b One Shabbat afternoon, Mr. Cohen, who was perfectly healthy and sipping tea at the time, turned to his
Bava Batra 126b and 133b A will made in accordance with the law of the land, in which the testator bequeaths his estate after his
וואת שכיב מרע People often change their minds or do not really mean what they say. This appears to be especially true in money matters.
בכור נוטל פי שנים Bava Batra 122b,124a, 130a The moment a person dies, those who are the heirs according to Jewish Law, immediately become joint