Laws Prohibiting the Charging of Interest: The Snakebite רבית
Bava Metzia 63b “If I make the slightest mistake, imagine how many people will be eating non-kosher meat because of me,” said the town shochet,
Bava Metzia 63b “If I make the slightest mistake, imagine how many people will be eating non-kosher meat because of me,” said the town shochet,
Bava Metzia 58-59 “Sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you,” goes an old saying. Abusive tongues probably coined it.
Bava Metzia 50b and 56a If you sell 34 cent postage stamps for 40 cents, you may get a nasty letter from the Attorney General.
Bava Meitzia 30b Most Shabbatot after shul, my Dad, Dayan Grunfeld, zt”l would take me by the hand and together we would climb the steep
Bava Metzia 2a שנים אוחזים A court in San Francisco was asked to decide who owns the baseball that Barry Bonds hit for his record-setting
שבועת העדות Bava Kamma 105b You are walking your dog late at night when you witness a hit-and-run driver take off after totaling your neighbor’s
יאוש והשבת אבידה Bava Kamma 68b and Bava Metzia 21b. Five minutes after you walk away from the pay phone on busy Main Street, you
If you, yourself, may not perform a melacha, you may not ask a non-Jew to perform it for you. This is true both for biblically
העוסק במצות השבת אבידה Bava Kamma 57b As you are leaving the synagogue on a Shabbat morning, you find a diamond ring on the floor.
Bava Kamma 34b Using one’s creative powers, seven days a week, may lead one to believe in oneself as a creator. This danger is averted
המגדל כלב רע בביתו Bava Kamma 15b, 16b, 23b,78b and 83a. Nitzan Shimoni, an 8-year-old boy, was attacked and maimed by a pet Dalmatian while
תם חצי נזק Bava Kamma 15 a and b. One is liable for the damage done by one’s animal to the animals or property of