My Father’s Chin
Hashchatat Zakan Nazir 41b As a child, I always wanted to know what my father’s chin looked like. But I never got to see it.
Hashchatat Zakan Nazir 41b As a child, I always wanted to know what my father’s chin looked like. But I never got to see it.
Nazir 37a You arrive, after a long drive, to your rented vacation home in Cape Cod. It is midnight. You grope under the garden rocks
Nazir 15b She returned from the cemetery on Friday afternoon, Erev Sukkot, just before sundown, after bidding him a final farewell. She took off her
Why two days Yom Tov outside Israel and one day Yom Tov in Israel? The answer to this question depends on the answer to another
Hanotel Sachar Lelamed V’ladun Nedarim 37:a. There are no problems in life, only expenses. The compensation for performing a mitzvah is the opportunity to perform
Nedarim 19b 23b. The world was created with 10 utterances. The power of speech distinguishes man from animal. Words have a power of their own
Most Shabbatot after shul, Dad, Dayan Grunfeld, zt”l would take me by the hand and together we would climb the steep stairs to the second
Part IV Like the Kibbutz Galuyot school of thought, the Territorial School requires all Jews to return to Israel under a sovereign state for the
Is One Required To Live In Israel, Part III Unlike the Yishuv school of thought described in the previous article, the Kibbutz Galuyot school of
Part II It is universally accepted in Halacha that the continued existence of the Jewish people is dependent upon the uninterrupted settlement of Jews in
Part I: Ketubot 110b “A person should always live in the Land of Israel even if he lives among idolaters and should not live outside
Ketubot 50a You’ve been too busy to open your mail. When you finally do, it is overflowing with bills and letters. Solicitation letters from the