Obligations From Parshat Terumah
Bnei Yisrael are told to take Terumah for God. The famous question is asked why it doesn’t say natan, to give. Perhaps we could suggest
Bnei Yisrael are told to take Terumah for God. The famous question is asked why it doesn’t say natan, to give. Perhaps we could suggest
Yitro is such a seminal figure in Jewish history that he has his own parsha, but more importantly is singled out by the Torah with
The verse (Genesis 47:28) begins, “And Yaakov lived in Egypt for 17 years…” Is there more going on here? I would argue that Yaakov’s first
Is it really possible that Yaakov asked of God to dwell in tranquility in the true sense of the word? That would seem quite impossible,
There’s a concept brought down in Eruvin (31b) that mitzvot lav lehenot nitnu, mitzvot were not given for pleasure. Yet Rashi explains that when God
Who was this man that when he was no longer conscious, it was the Daf that played by his bed? Who was this man that
I have written in the past about an idea expressed by my first cousin, Rabbi Yakov Nagen (Genack), that the weekly portion has direct relevance
Reb Chaim Kanievsky points out that if we judged Pinchas’ act in the mandatory realm then no reward would be due, as he would merely
My late relative, Rav Avrohom Genechovsky zt”l, shared with me a wonderful insight that speaks to the Torah’s perfection. He referenced the verse we say
Within the letters of the word shlach lies the story of the spies. They first chose out of free will to see a land despite
My late relative, Rav Avrohom Genechovsky, zt”l, shared with me a wonderful insight that has relevant applicability to Shavuot. He quoted the Gemara in Brachot
My cousin, Yakov Nagen, rosh kollel at Yeshivat Otniel, points out in his sefer “Awaken to a New Day,” a universal principle: that the parsha