Identifying Your Passions
Your talents, skills, abilities and interests, as well as your other resources, indicate what Hashem has called on you to do while you’re in the
Your talents, skills, abilities and interests, as well as your other resources, indicate what Hashem has called on you to do while you’re in the
This vision is an inspiring one, but also a difficult one. It demands each person get to know themselves in a deep way — at
Last week, we learned about Rav Hirsch’s exhortation about the machatzis hashekel: “Only he who gives and contributes is counted!” That idea is brought to
After designating the Jewish People as Hashem’s representatives to the rest of humanity, Hashem tasked us with building Him a home, symbolizing our mission of
Let’s say that the previous chapter convinced you. Your focus is on building a Godly abode in this world. What are you supposed to do
The Jewish People Last week, we noted that the underlying theme of the creation narrative for both Rav Hirsch and Rav Lichtenstein is the charge
So far, we’ve highlighted the Torah’s description of the Jewish people as Hashem’s army, explored three aspects of such a description, and provided two examples
Newsies In the previous two articles, we presented the sources for the perspective of the Jewish people as Hashem’s army, and highlighted three takeaways from
The Torah’s portrayal of the Jewish People leaving Egypt and traveling through the desert is descriptive and deliberate: Bnei Yisrael are the Tzevaos Hashem, God’s
Last week, I proposed a model for a comprehensive hashkafa, a worldview: that of an army, a Great Battalion. Where does such an idea come
Last week’s article ended with one core question: What is the focus of our lives—this world or the next world? This one question has several
One episode from ninth grade sticks out when I think about hashkafa. A regular shiur was suddenly interrupted by a wild banging at the door,