Giving Sarah Life With Strength and Chesed
Parshat Chayei Sarah is unusual in that it devotes an inordinate amount of space to Avraham’s servant rearticulating to Rivka’s family the instructions he received
Parshat Chayei Sarah is unusual in that it devotes an inordinate amount of space to Avraham’s servant rearticulating to Rivka’s family the instructions he received
Why do we read the book of Yonah at mincha on Yom Kippur? If you say it is to read about repentance, then why not
The organization of parsha of Vaetchanan seems disjointed. Although the parsha commences with Moshe explaining that he will not be allowed to enter the land
I have magnificent in-laws. They are loving, generous and kind. In no manner, whatsoever, have they ever inadvertently precipitated a national disaster with repercussions reverberating
The connection between parshat Bamidbar and its haftorah goes beyond the haftorah’s opening verse noting B’nai Israel’s future numerosity. Nor is the connection limited to
The haftorah for Tazria is interesting beyond the fact that it is rarely read. In most years parashat Tazria is combined with the portion of
Except during leap year, the reading of Mishpatim generally coincides with the special maftir of Parshat Shekalim. As such, with rare exception, the haftorah for
What do some types of Cicada insects and the haftorah to be read this year on Shabbat Miketz have in common? The answer is a
Esav’s duplicity and evil are not the only things making Parshat Toldot particularly relevant for our times. One aspect of the parsha that speaks to
Please forgive me if I am being redundant by mentioning something you already know. The book of Yeshayahu frequently employs a literary style of repeating
Something does not seem right about the order of topics in parshas Masei. First, it is odd that the discussion of Tzelafchad’s daughters appears at
The bulk of parashat Behar relates to matters concerning shemitah in the yovel. We are given laws dictating that every seventh year the land must