March 14, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

A few years ago, there was a major heat wave in the New York area over Sheva Asar b’Tammuz. With temperatures in the upper 90s and intense humidity that drove the heat index over 100 degrees, it felt oppressive. Weather reports cautioned against being in the sun for any prolonged period, and to make sure to constantly drink to protect from dehydration. And yet, tens of thousands of people did not drink (or eat) anything on Sheva Asar b’Tammuz!

What’s more, in camp, counselors and junior counselors didn’t have the luxury of staying in an air-conditioned room all day. They had over a dozen non-fasting children under their care who needed to have activities during the day. Yet, we did not have one incident of dehydration during the fast.

The mesiras nefesh we have to maintain halacha is amazing. The fact that we were all able to make it through the fast without incident is really unbelievable. Often, we hear stories of individuals who performed relatively minor acts which had incredible repercussions, even lifelong or life-altering impact.

There are numerous stories of people who despaired of life or felt like total failures but regained their vitality because someone displayed a small act of caring.

Rabbi Aryeh Rodin of Texas famously related that a secular Jew donated a tremendous amount of money for the construction of his shul because he was inspired by the davening of a charedi individual at the Kotel one morning. Rabbi Rodin related that when that charedi Jew comes to the world of truth after his death, he will be shocked to learn that he has merits of countless prayers from a shul in Texas, where he has likely never been.

Rav Shimshon Pincus, zt”l explained that when hearing such a story, most people marvel about the impact of one small action and how the effect of our words and actions are far more powerful than we could imagine. While that is certainly true, there is a deeper and more profound point as well:

If we seek to live our lives based on our own abilities and means, we are very limited. However, if we live with the awareness that it’s Hashem’s world, and we are merely trying to play our part in the divine plan, then we tap into the infinitude of the divine.

Rav Pincus related that one Pesach he and his wife hosted a lot of people; his parents and in-laws joined, along with his married children and grandparents. He spent over $1,000 just on matzah! He related: “As I sat at the Seder, I marveled at the miracle Hashem performed that somehow I was able to afford everything and had plentiful food for Yom Tov. But the whole time I was thinking to myself — what about next year? Maybe, Hashem won’t perform the miracle again next year.”

“This is stupidity! It’s an absurd thought! It was clear to me that Hashem, the Almighty, had provided for me though I couldn’t figure out how. So why did I lack faith that He would do it for me again?”

When we live with the knowledge that it’s Hashem’s world, and Hashem lacks nothing, we can merit far greater things than we ever imagined.

The lesson of those inspiring stories reinforces to us that Hashem could do anything. Here a person did something relatively insignificant and may not have even remembered or thought much of it. Yet Hashem caused his innocent action to set off an incredible chain reaction that changed lives. You can daven one morning at the Kotel and have an impact on the religious life of an entire community you have never heard of. To Hashem there are no limits, and anything is possible.

I would venture to think that the mesiras nefesh displayed on Sheva Asar b’Tammuz to maintain the halacha was a great zechus and a big factor in Hashem’s enabling everyone to fast despite the oppressive heat.

When our enemies breached the walls of Yerushalayim, they also breached the feelings of closeness we have with Hashem. We commemorate that terrible event in the hope that we will be able to repair that breach by living our lives connected to the divine, where there are no impossibilities or absolute limitations.

Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW, is a popular speaker and author. He is a rebbe in Heichal HaTorah in Teaneck and an experienced therapist who has recently returned to seeing clients in private practice as part of the Rockland CBT group. To schedule an appointment with Rabbi Staum, call (914) 295-0115. Looking for an inspirational and motivational speaker or scholar-in-residence? Contact Rabbi Staum for a unique speaking experience by emailing [email protected]. Archives of his writings can be found at

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