February 3, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Beauty and Bonding During Quarantine

Our hearts are breaking for those families affected by COVID-19. Those of us who are lucky enough to be safe at home, Thank God, are feeling most grateful for our health, family and comfortable homes/quarantine conditions. Self-quarantine, however necessary, can also take an emotional toll on many. While the first few days may have been relaxing, and an opportunity to catch up on work and household chores, many women are now experiencing feelings of isolation, depression and a “gross” feeling about themselves. To counteract these negative feelings, I composed a list of self care and beauty tips and activities to pamper yourself. If you have young girls and or teenage girls at home, doing these activities together, making it “spa party night” can be a great way to bond and pass time.

1. Hair—Since hair salons are closed, this is probably a time you are most grateful that you cover your hair! While others are annoyed with their exposed roots and overgrown hair, you have the ability to put on a freshly blown out wig, (as COVID-19 safe guidelines for wig drop offs and pickups have been provided.) When putting on your newly styled wig along with some makeup, you will instantly feel better about yourself. For those of you who take out a bit of hair in the front, and want to ‘color’ the gray coming in, use some hair mascara or even regular mascara to cover those up. Even though you might not want to wear your wig in your home everyday, I highly suggest that for the Sedarim, Shabbat and Yom Tov, you get dressed up and put on your wig as if you are going out so that you can feel beautiful.

2. Nails—Giving manis and pedis to yourselves or eachother, will not only leave you with pretty nails, but also creates a special bonding time with your girls. First, fill up a warm basin with bath balms to soak your hands and feet. After soaking, apply a fragrant moisturizer that’s pleasing to you, and massage each other’s feet and hands. Next, remove the moisturizer from the toe and fingernails using nail polish remover. Now it’s time to get creative! After applying the base coat pick out some fun color nail polish, create patterns and add some bright spring or Pesach designs. Don’t forget to seal it with the top coat! While nails are drying have a sing off and sing your way to happiness!

3. Skin—Now’s the time to pamper your skin with facial masks. If you don’t have any at home, your girls will be really excited to make home facial masks using the ingredients you have. There are so many “facial masks recipes” online that you can find one to suit your skin type. Once applied to your face be sure to snap that fun Instagram pic and share your facial recipe with your friends!

4. Body and Mind—Keep moving!! Even though the gym is closed, you must stay active for both your physical and mental health. There are so many fitness instructors and gyms that are now offering free classes on Zoom, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Take advantage of them! They are a fantastic way to boost your mood and feel energized!

5. Enjoy a bubble bath—Once the kids are asleep, you have all the time in the world as there is no place to go. Take some of that time to pamper yourself so that you can feel rejuvenated, relaxed and refreshed to face the next day’s challenges. Fill up the jacuzzi or bathtub with bubbles, light some scented candles and relax with some soothing music or a guided meditation.

It’s important to remember our children are always watching us, even our adult children. They are learning how to respond to stress and crisis. Doing things to help you stay calm and feel good about yourself will help you to be able to better respond to and support those around you. We will all, God willing, get through this as a community, alone but together. This is an opportunity for us to take on this challenge and grow as individuals and as a community. We will unite again and come back stronger than ever! I am wishing you and your families a truly meaningful chag kasher v’sameach. May we all be zoche to bring health and the final redemption this year.

Sari Friedbauer is the owner of Sari’s Wigs. She is a licensed hairstylist and certified wig maker. She is available for consults and can be reached at 201-694-5319 for consults.

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