Sukkot, the holiday of unity, calls us to gather together as one. As it says in Parshat Emor, בסכת תשבו שבעת ימים כל האזרח בישראל ישבו בסכת — “You shall dwell in sukkot for seven days; every citizen in Israel shall dwell in Sukkot.” This commandment reminds us that each individual is integral to the unity of our nation, and every one of us plays a role in building our community.
This past Sukkot, Bergen B’Yachad — formerly known as Teaneck Together — hosted two special events that embodied the theme of unity, drawing Jews from across Bergen County and beyond. These gatherings provided a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together in joy, reflection, song and celebration.

On the evening of Hoshana Rabba, Bergen B’Yachad partnered with the Jewish Center of Teaneck for a community-wide Simchat Beit Hashoeva. Over 100 people attended, representing a wide range of shuls and communities from across Bergen County. The event featured live music by the talented Sandy Shmuely, whose joyful melodies and energy filled the evening with excitement and warmth. Families gathered in the Sukkah to sing, dance and celebrate together.
Throughout the evening, there were touching moments that highlighted the strength and unity of our community. Children shared divrei Torah and performed musical pieces, adding a beautiful layer of innocence and inspiration to the festivities. Their enthusiasm served as a poignant reminder of the importance of passing down our values and traditions to the next generation.

Through coming together with people of all religious backgrounds, this gathering of music, celebration and community showcased the power of unity. It reinforced the idea that we are stronger when we stand together, regardless of our differences.
The following morning, on Hoshana Rabba, Bergen B’Yachad held a musical Hallel and davening at CareOne. Led by Benjy Gottesman on guitar and David Fass on percussion, the davening was uplifting and moving. For the residents of CareOne, many of whom are often isolated from the broader community, this provided a meaningful connection and allowed them to experience the holiday in a unique way.
One resident expressed, “This was a highlight of my stay and the best minyan I had over the past month.” For many of us, such a davening may be taken for granted, but the impact can be profound especially for those who feel alone during the holidays. It was a reminder of how a small gesture can bring immense joy and comfort to those in need.
During Sukkot, Teaneck Together officially became Bergen B’Yachad. Given the growth of events and the expanding reach, attracting participants from across Bergen County and beyond, the new name better reflects the organization’s mission to unify Jews from all corners of the county. The timing was especially meaningful, as Sukkot is a holiday that emphasizes the importance of unity.

Bergen B’Yachad captures the essence of what this group achieves: building bridges between different communities, fostering relationships and creating opportunities for connection. Just as the arba minim bring together different species to form a unified whole, Bergen B’Yachad brings together diverse Jewish communities under one mission: to strengthen our bonds with each other and with Hashem.
As Bergen B’Yachad continues to host events that unite the Jewish community, we invite you to stay informed and get involved. Please visit bergenbyachad.com and join our WhatsApp group to stay updated on upcoming events.
May the unity we experienced this Sukkot inspire us throughout the year and in its merit, may we be blessed with peace, joy and the opportunity to sit together in the ultimate sukkah of peace, united as one.
Dr. Josh Schwarzbaum is a physician, speaker, coach and author with a passion for fostering unity and connection within the Jewish community. Through his volunteer work, he leads initiatives and programs that bring together Jews from all walks of life. His latest book, “Healthy Inside: 10 Life Lessons on Finding Inner Peace,” is now available on Amazon.