March 8, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Project Ezrah Hosts Free Couponing Workshop

Shirah Community Choir to Perform Chanukah Concert at JCC on Dec. 6

Young Israel Forms Jewish Biography Book Club

Young Israel Forms Jewish Biography Book Club (Credit: Chana Stiefel)

NORPAC Hosts Senator Charles Schumer in Fort Lee From Left: Daniel Straus, Sen. Charles Schumer, Dr. Ben Chouake (Credit: NORPAC)

Project Ezrah Hosts Free Couponing Workshop

The Project Ezrah Employment Department hosted a free workshop at The Teaneck General Store this week. Atara Mauskopf presented on the topic of Coupon Craze: How to Save Money Without Going Crazy. Participants learned about couponing for both grocery shopping as well as retail shopping. They were introduced to the best couponing apps and websites and were even shown how to best organize their coupons. The workshop was very informative and was a great networking opportunity for those who attended.

For more information on future workshops and the Project Ezrah Employment Department, please call 201-569-9047 or email [email protected].

Shirah Community Choir to Perform Chanukah Concert at JCC on Dec. 6

The Shirah Community Chorus on the Palisades, led by the acclaimed Matthew Lazar, founding director, and Marsha Bryan Edelman, associate conductor, will perform its 22nd annual Chanukah Concert on Sunday, December 6, at 2 p.m. in the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades’ Eric Brown Theater. The program will feature celebratory songs from the Jewish choral tradition in Hebrew, English and Yiddish. Shirah was created in 1994 by Matthew Lazar, who founded and directs the Zamir Choral Foundation in New York. Lazar also created the acclaimed North American Jewish Choral Festival, now in its 25th year, as well as HaZamir the International High School Jewish Choir Movement, with chapters throughout the United States and Israel. SHIRAH, a project of the JCC Thurnauer School of Music, brings together singers from across the Jewish denominational spectrum to perform the great choral works of the Jewish experience.

Tickets to the Chanukah concert are $20/$16 for JCC members. To purchase tickets, go to, call 201-408-1465 or visit the JCC’s front desk.

Shomrei Torah to Hold Second Annual Evening of Learning and Sharing

On Saturday night, December 5, starting promptly at 8:15, Shomrei Torah will hold its second annual Evening of Learning and Sharing. Synagogue members will present various topics of interest in different locations throughout the building.

The first session will run from 8:15 to 9, featuring Dr. Adam Karp in the main sanctuary discussing “May One Use an Electric Menorah?” and Zahava Stadler in the upstairs Bet Medrash discussing “The Centrality of Pirsumei Nisa.”

The second session will begin at 9:05 and will run until 9:50, and will feature Rabbi Dr. Wallace Green in the main sanctuary, telling “Chanukah Stories You Never Heard in School,” and Rabbi Michael Hoenig in the upstairs Bet Medrash discussing “Chanukah: New Beginnings.”

The final session will begin at 10 and run until 10:45. This session will have only one presentation—in the main sanctuary—Leo Brandstatter and Rachel and Daniel Krich will discuss “The Great Latke/Hamentaschen Debate.”

There will be a collation in the ballroom following the final session.

All presentations are free and open to men, women and teens.

Shomrei Torah is located at 19-10 Morlot Ave. in Fair Lawn.

Young Israel Forms Jewish Biography Book Club

Members of the Young Israel of Teaneck met on Sunday night, November 22, for the inauguration of their new Jewish Biography Book Club. Led by the famed Maggid of Bergenfield, Dr. Larry Stiefel, they discussed “Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revolution,” by Yehudah Mirsky. Refreshments included Rav Kookies. (What else would you serve?)

Beverages in the Bible

Dr. Jon Greenberg, noted Biblical and Talmudic botanist, will enlighten the Teaneck community about the role of alcoholic beverages in Tanach. Entitled “Noah’s wine versus Pharaoh’s beer—the culture war that shaped Jewish history,” Dr. Greenberg will be speaking for the Adult Education Committee of Congregation Rinat Yisrael on Saturday night, December 5, at 8:30. Admission to the event, which is open to adults 21 and over, is $15. Please reserve by November 30 by emailing [email protected].

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller to Speak at Beth Abraham

The sisterhoods of Beth Abraham and Bnai Yeshurun are once again co-sponsoring a presentation to the Teaneck Jewish community by Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller. A consummate educator and internationally acclaimed speaker, Rebbetzin Heller has been a full-time lecturer at Neve Yerushalayim since 1980. She has impacted the lives of thousands of women worldwide through her classes, public lectures and six books, including “Here You Are,” “Battle Plans” and “This Way Up.” The presentation will be at Beth Abraham on Tuesday, December 2, at 8:30pm. Admission is free.

Water Shortage Author to Speak at Bnai Jeshurun

Seth Siegel, author of the bestseller “Let There be Water,” will address the Teaneck community on Saturday night, November 28, at 8 p.m. at Bnai Yeshurun. Sub-titled “Israel’s Solution for a Water-Starved World,” Siegel will discuss his book, which outlines Israel’s role in stemming the looming worldwide water shortage not only in the Middle East but in key states throughout the U.S. Learn how Israel exports water technology to the tune of $2.2 billion. Admission is free.

Film Night at Beth Aaron

The Men’s Club of Congregation Beth Aaron will hold a film night this Motzei Shabbat, November 28, at 7:30pm. Featured will be four films from the Maale School of Filmmaking in Israel, which trains students from traditional backgrounds in the art of feature filmmaking. The films often deal with issues relevant to the traditional Jewish community. Movies to be screened will be “A Rabbi’s Daughter,” “Daddy Bird,” “Revival” and “Evacuation Order.” Admission is free. Congregation Beth Aaron is located at 950 Queen Anne Road in Teaneck.

NORPAC Hosts Senator Charles Schumer in Fort Lee

Senator Charles “Chuck” Schumer (D-NY) was recently hosted at a NORPAC event by Daniel Straus in Fort Lee. Schumer, the senior US Senator of New York, has served as an elected official for over 40 years and is on track to assume responsibility as the Democratic Leader of the Senate. Senator Schumer has been a consistent defender of both Israel and Jews worldwide, voting in favor of aid to Israel, sanctions on Iran, and even playing a role in the movement to free Soviet Jews. Notably, he was the first democratic senator to publicly declare opposition to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran.

At the NORPAC event, Senator Schumer explained his opposition on the JCPOA and where he sees the United States going forward. About the deal, Chuck expressed his deep concern that the billions of dollars Iran will receive through this agreement will be used to fund terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. Furthermore, he expressed worry that the JCPOA would legitimize Iran’s nuclear program by allowing them to approach the threshold of being a nuclear power in 10 years.

Participants asked Sen. Schumer what effective measures could be taken now to ensure Israel’s security. He responded that we must do more for Israel, including providing the country with the money and weapons it needs to defend itself. In order to accomplish this, support for Israel must remain a bipartisan effort. In addition, Senator Schumer assured the attendees that Congress is now working on multiple pieces of legislation, both to clarify ambiguous areas of the JCPOA, and to construct more non-nuclear sanctions against Iran.

Charles Schumer is running for reelection in 2016.

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