March 10, 2025

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Beth Aaron Announces Honorees for 41st Annual Dinner

As listed in the most recent Kol Beth Aaron, there are no fewer than 39 committees, activities and opportunities going on concurrently at Congregation Beth Aaron. Shabbat morning hosts no fewer than four minyanim and not a week goes by without a special lecture, community event and multiple learning opportunities at the shul. Congregation Beth Aaron will mark its 41st Annual Journal Dinner on the evening of Sunday, February 12, at Congregation Keter Torah.

Tribute will be paid to Cathy and Steve Schuss, Guests of Honor; Debby and David Sheffey, Shelly Leffel Service Awardees; and a newly established award to Avi Cooper, the initial Eitan Shapiro Teen Youth Awardee.

Characteristically, neither Steve nor Cathy understand what the fuss is all about but, according to the Schusses, “If it will be helpful to the shul, we are prepared to ‘take one for the team.’ We love our shul, Beth Aaron, where we continue to find a mix of wonderful people from various backgrounds and interests, programs that appeal to all, and a fabulous rabbi and rebbetzin who truly want to be involved in everyone’s smachot, help in any and every way they can and serve as exemplars to us all.”

The Schusses, then with three of their four children, moved into their home in Teaneck in 1983 BC—Before Construction. During the construction of the “new building” in 1986, davening on Friday nights, Shabbat afternoons and Sunday mornings rotated between their home and that of Renee and Harry Harcsztark. After commuting to Montefiore, Dr. Steve opened up a pediatric practice in Teaneck and to date has treated scores of young children and their parents in the community.

Dr. Steve is renowned in the shul for his Shabbat davening when he displays his ardor for Jewish niggunim, some of which may even be original compositions. Cathy can be found weekly participating in packing for She’arit ha-Plate, attending assorted Tehillim groups, transporting individuals in need, singing the high notes with the PeniNote women’s choir and carrying out many other chesed activities, which she performs without fanfare.

Debby and David Sheffey will be honored with the Shelly Leffel Service Award. Ever since their move to Teaneck in 2001, the Sheffeys have been involved members of the Beth Aaron community. They are always among the first to welcome new members with their signature warmth and hospitality. Debbie’s meals for new moms can always be counted on. David is a fixture in the shul’s lower level on Shabbat morning with a sefer in his hand as he participates in the Hilchot Shabbat Chabura. He is a devoted attendee of the weekly Hashkama minyan and is also the Baal Makri for the Yomim Noraim Hashkama Minyan. As head of the Judaic Enrichment Programming Committee for five years, he has brought many excellent educational opportunities to the Beth Aaron membership. Debbie serves as Treasurer of the Youth Department and has served on the Sisterhood Board for several years.

“David and I are honored to be a part of the inception of the Eitan Shapiro Teen Youth Award.” So conveyed Alona and David Shapiro to the Beth Aaron community in a recent email. “Eitan means ‘strength,’ which our Eitan personified in many ways through his outlook, his determination and his character. He had the wisdom to respect all people, no matter their age, race, religion or nationality. His sensitivity and compassion allowed for his keen ability to care for others and put them at ease. He made connections, even throughout his illness, which enabled friends and communities alike to come together. These connections remain strong even today. Thank you Beth Aaron for bringing forth a valuable asset to our shul by connecting its past in honoring Eitan, z’l, and, be-Ezrat Hashem, its future.”

Avi Cooper is the initial recipient of the Eitan Shapiro Youth Leadership Award, chosen because he personifies the values that this award hopes to celebrate. Avi’s involvement in Beth Aaron began with his participation in the Motzei Shabbat Parent-Child learning program. He was a charter member of the Beth Aaron Boys choir, in addition to leading the conclusion of davening in the main shul. After sixth grade, he joined with the Youth Minyan where he honed his davening and leining skills. Avi has been a regular summer attendee at the Beth Aaron Daf Yomi shiur and often met a classmate to learn for the TABC summer program in the Beth Aaron Beit Midrash. Finishing his senior year at TABC, Avi hopes to continue his studies at a yeshiva in Israel. Avi “appreciates all of the wonderful opportunities that Beth Aaron provides to both children and teens that allow them to master important spiritual and personal skills.”

To register for the upcoming dinner to be held at Congregation Keter Torah on February 12 at 5 p.m., please visit To submit ads email [email protected].

By Pearl Markovitz

 The author thanks Myron Chaitovsky, L’via Weisinger and Avi Cooper for their contributions to this article.

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