February 17, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak to Spend Shabbos in Passaic

(Sponsored content courtesy of the Biale Rebbe) More than a year has passed since the Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak has visited Passaic, yet hundreds are excitedly anticipating the return of their revered Rebbe. Although the Rebbe has been visiting not one year and not two, annually for some years now, every year the sensation repeats itself. Every year, when the Rebbe arrives at the house where he lodges, the place becomes a public source of attraction as hundreds of people of various standards and types gather. The street becomes a hive of activity as lawyers, doctors, lay leaders, rabbis, educators, ranging from chasidic to Modern Orthodox, mingle as they flock to the Rebbe’s house. From early morning until the small hours of the night the streets resound with miraculous tales of unnatural miracles seen and experienced firsthand as a result of the Rebbe’s blessing.

What is his secret? What is it that pulls so many people to seek his presence again and again? What is it that causes thousands of people from different backgrounds to seek the Rebbe? What is it that brings people with no semblance to chasidim to cleave to the Rebbe with all their might, involving him in every move they take in life? At every occasion, be it happy or sad, their first phone call is to include the Rebbe! What is it that unites young boys and elderly? What brings the ambassador Mr. David Friedman to visit the Rebbe? Many other prominent rabbis and highly significant political figures from the American and/or Israeli government can be recognized amongst the Rebbe’s visitors anyplace between California, Florida, New York and New Jersey.

A prominent mechutan celebrating his daughter’s sheva brachos shared the following amazing incident: “Thank God I have been blessed with several children who have reached a marriageable age. However, they find themselves ‘stuck,’ unable to find suitable matches. Upon the Rebbe’s visit to our town I decided to ask him for a blessing. I called the gabbai for an appointment, and when my turn arrived, I entered the Rebbe’s domain, handing him the note with all of our names on it. The Rebbe read the names and talked to me for a couple of minutes, when suddenly it seemed as if the Rebbe fell asleep. I thought he must be very tired. However, after a couple of minutes the Rebbe opened his eyes and asked, “What is it with your kesubah?” The Rebbe told me to check out the viability of my kesubah. When I came home, I immediately checked and found that indeed my wife’s English name was registered and not her Hebrew name that she was given at birth. I returned to the Rebbe who advised me to ask my community rav to write us a new marriage contract. On that very same day a special match was suggested for my daughter, and this is the chasan we are celebrating tonight’s sheva brachos.”

This incident happened two years ago. A nice couple came to the Rebbe for a blessing as they have been married for five years and are still childless. The Rebbe counseled them in his unique and holy way and shed a tear with them, when suddenly the Rebbe asked the wife: “Which color carriage do you prefer for your baby?!?” The woman became emotional and began to cry, but the Rebbe insisted: “I see children, go buy a baby carriage this week and on my next visit I want you to come to me with your baby!” Needless to say, last year the delighted couple came to the Rebbe accompanied by a screaming healthy baby of two weeks in a carriage purchased on the Rebbe’s behest. The Rebbe, however, was still not satisfied. At last year’s visit the Rebbe said that the child is lonely; he needs a brother to play with. Go buy a double stroller! This year the couple will visit the Rebbe with a fully occupied double stroller, including the new baby that the Rebbe’s blessing brought forth.

Many young couples are among those waiting for an audience with the Rebbe. Each one tells their own fascinating tale. One young girl relates: “I live in the Upper East Side. For many years I was looking for my destined match, to no avail. The years passed, and as I grew older, I saw no hope in sight. One day a friend told me about the Biale Rebbe and I went to him for a blessing. The Rebbe, who had never met me before, exclaimed suddenly, ‘You have already met your destined; you went out with him many years ago, go search for him again, he is still waiting for you!!! He is in California.’ I searched my mind for the guy the Rebbe had in mind. Suddenly it got to my mind, I had met him ten years earlier, an excellent young man, a friend of my brother. Our relationship ceased for no apparent reason. I contacted my brother to inquire about this boy and indeed he was still waiting for me. Thank God at the age of 37 I was finally married to the wonderful boy I had met 10 years earlier, just as the Biale Rebbe had seen with his ruach hakodesh.”

Many share similar stories of how the Rebbe finalized their engagement. Young couples who were having shalom bayis issues and with the Rebbe’s mentoring restored marital harmony and happiness to their homes. These stories mingle with stories of businessmen who reaped great success after receiving the Rebbe’s blessing. Childless couples who had all but lost hope were blessed with children. People who were being harassed by the legal system and could not sleep at night from fear were miraculously straightened out after receiving the Rebbe’s blessing. So, it is really no surprise or wonder at the crowds waiting to meet the Rebbe.

A well-known businessman is also waiting to see the Rebbe. He tells us that he met the Biale Rebbe by mistake: “I was invited to a tisch that the Rebbe conducted in my neighborhood. The week I met the Rebbe was the worst week of my life; that week seemed like all the fortune I made my whole life was lost, the bank was about to foreclose everything. I didn’t sleep the entire week and didn’t see a way out of the complication, not knowing what’s going to happen to me and my family.

As I said, accidently I saw the Rebbe at the tisch; at the kiddush the Rebbe spoke about trusting in Hashem, and that a Jew should never give up and a Jew is above nature. I felt that the Rebbe was talking to me, to my soul. On Motzei Shabbos I came to take a blessing from the Rebbe. The Rebbe, who didn’t study business in MIT, told me to set a time every day to learn Torah, and to respect my wife. The Rebbe told me to speak with the bank manager himself, with no attorneys and no one else. The Rebbe guided me to do some spiritual stuff before the meeting; the Rebbe even guided me on the phone and encouraged me in my hard days, until now. I have no clue how it happened, but here I am, my house is not in foreclose and my business is growing, with Hashem’s help, and everything is with the holy Rebbe’s blessing.

Caring for widows and orphans before the Passover holidays is standard procedure for the Rebbe. However, this year with the outbreak of COVID-19, the Rebbe added more families who were experiencing financial stress. Despite the economic crisis and the financial difficulties his institutions in Israel are currently experiencing, the Rebbe gave strict instructions to take special care of each of the many families in distress whom the Rebbe takes care of every year. Despite the logistic hardships the situation has created, each of the families received a complete delivery containing all of their holiday needs, including meat, chicken, fish, goodies and of course gift certificates to buy clothing, shoes and even toys…after all, who will take care of these poor orphans if not for the Rebbe of Biale?! As the crisis in Israel continuously increases, the Rebbe continues to distribute vouchers although Passover is long gone. The Rebbe also continues to keep track of all their spiritual and material needs.

As day turns to dusk in New York, the phones in Israel become alive! Now it is the Jews of Israel’s turn. They call non-stop, asking the Rebbe for blessings and advice. It is the Yidden in Los Angeles, New York, Miami and New Jersey who are calling. It makes no difference; they are all his children. Hundreds of emails are sent to the Rebbe’s office daily, and the Rebbe devotes precious hours to answer them personally. He carries these requests with him and remembers them in his daily prayers. The burden becomes his own. He is with them in their sorrow and delights in their happiness. Seven gabbaim are employed throughout the day to provide immediate response to the thousands calling the Rebbe. How happy are the gabbaim when they can inform the Rebbe of another baby born, a couple engaged or yet another miraculous turn of events!

Among his other vast talents is the Rebbe’s deep understanding in matters of education. Parents worldwide call him for advice in education dilemmas. Very often the Rebbe’s advice leaves the parents in surprise. Yet it is this very unique approach that eventually brings about a positive change to the entire family. Homes that were full of strife and angst are now happy, warm nests. So too, many issues of marital distress were solved by applying the Rebbe’s insightful advice. Restoring peace at home is high on the Rebbe’s list of priorities. Many hopeless couples who were already applying for divorce had a miraculous turnabout, enabling the holy Shechina to dwell in yet another Jewish home.

A couple enters the Rebbe’s chambers. The Rebbe looks at the kvittel and tells the husband, “You have to honor your wife! If you will respect your wife your problems will be solved.” The woman burst out crying. This is the first time they met the Rebbe, and he is aware of everything going on between the couple. The Rebbe is unconcerned about the tens of people waiting outside and patiently expounds on the importance of domestic peace. The Rebbe gives them detailed instructions on how to bring their hearts closer. The Rebbe tells them that the key to happiness and success as well as nachas from their children lies in the respect shown between the parents. And so, another couple exits with a happy smile on their faces. After a while the Rebbe’s secretary receives a note from the wife, saying: “The Rebbe saved our marriage!!!”

The Rebbe will conduct an amazing oneg Shabbos tisch on Friday night, April 23. The great Shabbos tisch will take place on Parshas Acharei-Mos on the 23rd of April at the residence of Harav Pinchas Novoseller, at 18 Reid Avenue, Passaic, New Jersey at 10 p.m.

The most special part of the tisch is during the famous Kiddush the Rebbe performs. It is well known that the Rebbe’s Kiddush is capable of bringing about great miracles. The emotive singing and dancing at the Rebbe’s tischin elevate its participants to a standard of “m’ein oilam haba”! This will be followed with an abundance of divrei Torah and hashkafa.

After Shabbos the Rebbe will be sharing his valuable time with individuals at the residence of Harav Pinchas Novoseller at 18 Reid Ave, Passaic, New Jersey.

Due to the current situation, all gatherings and meetings will be held, b’ezras Hashem, in accordance with the rules of the health department.

Now the residents of New Jersey have this unique opportunity. If you have not yet had the merit of meeting the Rebbe and would like to book an appointment for a personal consultation for a blessing or advice, call the Rebbe’s private secretary now (English speaking) at telephone no. 917-272-40-45 or send an email to [email protected].

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