Once again BPY students took part in the very special Chana Poupko z”l annual Chesed Day on Lag B’Omer! Students in elementary school participated in specialized chesed activities that included packaging food for SBH, decorating tzedaka boxes, running relay races and learning about the organization Yachad. Middle school students prepared challah dough, baked rugelach and sold snacks and lemonade to younger students. Together, the school raised over $1,800 that will be distributed to various tzedakot. The students were treated to an exceptional Kabbalat Shabbat experience with live music and socially distanced dancing. Everyone took such pride in participating in such an important day and all prayed that Chana’s neshama be elevated on the zechut of the chesed of the incredible students. At the end of the day, one student stated, “Wow, this was such a great day! We are the BPY family and this is what we do. We help each other.”