This past weekend, the BPY 8th-grade students gathered for an uplifting and memorable Shabbaton at Ahavat Torah Shul. The theme of the Shabbaton, דע לך לכל רועה יש ניגון משלו, emphasized that each person has their own unique strengths. Throughout the weekend, students participated in meaningful sessions with the Shlichim, where they explored their talents and learned to recognize the positive qualities in others. They practiced offering sincere compliments, appreciating the greatness in their friends and embracing their individuality. Three students prepared and shared divrei Torah, both in Hebrew and in English, during the seuda. It was truly special to witness the students singing together and engaging in thoughtful discussions while fully immersed in the ruach of the Shabbaton. Rabbi Emerson shared an inspiring personal story that further deepened the powerful messages of the weekend. The presence of all four Shlichim families, along with the B’not She’rut, added an extra layer of warmth, spirit and love for Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. The Shabbaton concluded with a beautiful Havdala, leaving the students with lessons and messages that will resonate with them for years to come.