The BPY second graders work hard all year long growing their writing muscles. By the end of second grade, they grow accustomed to the routines of Writing Workshop and gain the skills to write across a number of genres. But what about the second grade parents? This past Tuesday night, second grade parents became the students! In a Zoom workshop all about Writing Workshop, Morah Naava walked the parents through the opinion writing process, just as she does with the second graders. But Morah Naava did not work alone—the second graders used their opinion writing expertise to help coach their parents through the process! Parents learned about the brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing and publishing stages that the students engage in during each of the second grade writing units. The parents experienced a condensed Writing Workshop where they too worked through these five stages of the writing process. Kol hakavod to the second graders for a job well done on coaching their parents, and kol hakavod to the second grade parents for adjusting their mindsets and learning to write opinion pieces like second graders do!