Shabbat Shalom! Right before winter break, BPY had its annual sixth and seventh grade Shabbat-in. The students and teachers came to school dressed in their shabbat finest and enjoyed a day of special programming. The theme of this year’s Shabbat-in was עם ישראל חי. Following tefillah the students had a breakfast “kiddush” followed by a game of sixth vs. seventh grade Family Feud with questions all about BPY, Yisrael and Shabbat. They then competed in a dessert charcuterie competition, judged by BPY’s very own charcuterie master, Ari Greene! The students created beautiful displays related to the theme of עם ישראל. Students then participated in a group game session where Morah Racheli planned different Israel/Hebrew games and the students rotated through each activity in groups and had a blast! After Kabbalat Shabbat the students came back together for a yummy “Shabbat” lunch with a dvar Torah by seventh grader Breindy Staub, followed by afternoon menucha time, and ended the day strong with a rocking tish. At the tish, students heard an inspiring dvar Torah from sixth grader Nadav Leib and a beautiful flute solo from Rav Hananel. They also enjoyed the gorgeous and impressive dessert boards put together by their peers.