Standing, (l-r): Rabbi Avremy Kanelsky, Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky, Vlad and Tatyana German, Chanie and Dovid Hoffer, Rabbi Dovid Wilansky, Rabbi Baruch Lepkivker, Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov (chief rabbi, Bais Horaah Crown Heights).
(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) Over 300 people participated in Bris Avrohom’s 45th annual dinner and 37th gala wedding to celebrate with the newlywed couples and the honorees of the evening: Vlad and Tatyana German, guests of honor; Dovid and Chanie Hoffer, chesed award; and Frank Radics, general manager, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey O.S.C, community service award.
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