(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) Bris Avrohom sent out close to 1,000 boxes of mishloach manot to people in senior living facilities, Jewish inmates, EL AL staff at Newark Airport and friends of Bris Avrohom.
Bris Avrohom also arranged for the Megillah to be read at senior centers, at Newark airport for travelers and EL AL staff, and numerous times on Purim day at the Bris Avrohom Center. Bris Avrohom also arranged for volunteers to go to the homes of those who are homebound to read the Megillah for them.
In addition, an exciting program was planned for Purim night for the community, with a show by the Hoop Wizard and a fleishig buffet. For more information, contact the Bris Avrohom office at (908) 289-0770 or email [email protected].
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