(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) Bris Avrohom reopened Cheder Yaldei Menachem just in time for the new year on Tuesday, September 8. Teachers and staff were so excited to greet the children and their parents, and to bring each one in for an individual tour of their new classrooms. Parents also had an opportunity to meet new director, Fruma Rosenberg; the school feels incredibly blessed to have her join the cheder family. Everyone is looking forward to a truly fantastic year together where the children have the special opportunity to learn al taharat haKodesh.
Still looking for a school for your child this year? Open enrollment has been extended and is still open. Please call the office at 908-869-1800 or 908-289-0770. Visit the website at www.chederyaldeimenachem.org or email chederyaldeim@gmail.com