The students at Bruriah High School celebrated Chanukah with school-wide activities, offering something special for each day of the week. On Monday, there was a student yom iyun designed to spiritually elevate each and every girl. With the theme “Heaven on Earth,” the students started off the week in a deep, meaningful way.
Middle School and High School students were elated when arriving on Tuesday to dance and party with a visit from Mordechai Shapiro! This Chanukah chagiga brought unbelievable energy and ruach that carried the girls for the rest of the week.
The power of Chanukah continued on Wednesday with a women’s yom iyun. Rabbi Paysach Krohn visited the school to inspire mothers, daughters and teachers after they enjoyed a complete brunch and lively panel, facilitated by Bruriah faculty. The topic of Rabbi Krohn’s message was “Chanukah: L’Hodos U’Lhallel—An Attitude of Gratitude.”
The week of fun concluded with a Privilege Sale; multiple raffles for student perks were auctioned off, and almost $10,000 was raised and distributed to various Israeli tzedakot.