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October 18, 2024
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Bruriah Tehillimathon Inspires and Unites

Students participated in Bruriah’s annual Tehilimathon last week, a profoundly meaningful event in the days leading up to the Yamim Noraim. In this legendary Bruriah program, each student is assigned the name of someone to daven for, whether it be for a refuah sheleima, shidduch or l’iluy nishmasam, along with a designated perek of Tehillim, enabling the entire school to collectively complete Sefer Tehillim numerous times. The assigned perek becomes the student’s for the duration of her time at Bruriah, nurturing a special bond with those immortal words and enabling the school to complete Sefer Tehillim multiple times every day.

At the start of the program, several faculty members who are also alumnae, shared their heartfelt experiences as Bruriah students who participated in the Tehillimathon years ago. They recalled the immense effect this program had on them as students, and how they still maintain a deep connection to the specific perek of Tehillim they were assigned and carry it with them through the present day.

The Tehillimathon also includes a tzedaka component, with each student pledging to give tzedaka as a zechus for the people they are davening for, making the Tehillimathon a true embodiment of teshuva, tefillah and tzedakah, and therefore could not be more apropos for this time of year. The event left a profound and lasting impact on all Bruriah students and faculty, leaving them inspired for the upcoming Yomim Tovim and the entire school year.

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