Camp Kaylie has always been a place where unforgettable memories are made, and this year’s opening was no exception. Camp Kaylie has had an amazingly successful start to girls’ month. Staff orientation was filled with team building, learning and important staff training. Kaylie welcomed over 500 campers with dancing and music, and after ensuring they were settled and ready to go, they jumped right into their awesome activities. Opening night was tremendous, with the ruach in the camp off the charts! It started with an interactive video introducing the head staff of Camp Kaylie and highlighting all the exciting upcoming events of the summer, followed by an incredible performance by the Chicago Boyz and an amazing DJ.
Friday was a meaningful and busy day with a full range of activities and bunk bonding. Campers enjoyed a meaningful Shabbos, meeting new friends and hearing inspiring divrei chizuk from Chavah Kolakowski. After an amazing Shabbos, campers got dressed up for a concert with Shaindy Plotsker, with some donning “We love Shaindy” T-shirts. Shaindy led everyone in a meaningful, fun and uplifting melave malka that had them looking forward to week two!