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October 18, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Camp Mesorah Celebrates Hachnasat Sefer Torah

Last Sunday, Camp Mesorah staff, campers and guests shared an unforgettable experience. The Katz Family hosted a Hachnasat Sefer Torah in camp, dedicating a new Torah scroll written in memory of Ari Katz’s grandparents, Rav Pesach Chaim and Kehla Katz z’l.

The sofer traveled to Camp Mesorah from Brooklyn, New York early Sunday morning. After he set up his work table in the boys’ campus shul with his ink and quill, it was time to finish the final letters of the new Torah. Various members of the Katz family, as well as their friends, were able to assist the sofer in scribing a letter. At the completion of the writing of the sefer Torah, all campers, counselors, staff, and guests lined the road from the boys’ shul to the main shul as the procession began. Campers sang and danced the Torah to the main shul under a beautifully decorated chupah.

Rabbi Daniel Hartstein, head of the Mesorah Beit Midrash Program, led the dancing of the Torah into the main shul, where it was placed in the aron (ark). Flags and candy were distributed to all the participants. The enthusiasm and excitement could be felt all the way down the road of camp. The atmosphere was that of a true family simcha!

The sefer Torah has found a home in Camp Mesorah. Dozens of young men in camp will lain from this Torah as it will further enhance the Torah atmosphere of the camp and perpetuate the legacy of Ari Katz’s grandparents. Yasher koach!

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