JFS MetroWest Holds Successful Evening of Laughter
JFS MetroWest held its Evening of Laughter on June 6 at Temple Bnai Abraham in Livingston. Over 300 people came out to support JFS, celebrate
JFS MetroWest held its Evening of Laughter on June 6 at Temple Bnai Abraham in Livingston. Over 300 people came out to support JFS, celebrate
Ben Porat Yosef eighth grade students Ari Kutin and Meira Papier received Graduate Thespian Awards from the International Thespian Society for their leadership and dedication
Mazal Tov to the Yavneh Academy Class of 2017/5777. Graduation was held on Wednesday, June 14, at Paramus High School.
Towards the beginning of the baseball season, during the early weeks of May, the outlook looked bleak for team Back to Health Physical Therapy 7/8
This past Sunday, over 200 people gathered together for the TABC Annual Scholarship Breakfast. The honorees this year were Miriam and Ezra Lightman of Bergenfield,
For the past 13 years, “Names, Not Numbers©,” a one-of-a-kind Holocaust-education program, has introduced the tragedy of the Shoah in a most unique and personal
As the temperatures soared, so did the lines at Ice Cream on Grand as excited children and adults waited their turn to enjoy a sweet
Monday, June 19, Congregation Keter Torah will hold its annual dinner at the shul. This year’s guests of honor are Jonathan and Alisa Gellis. Howard
The National Council of Jewish Women Bergen County Section helped to make a special day for the residents of the Jewish Home at Rockleigh at
Hatzalah of Bergen County will be offering a free CPR class open to the community at 3:00 p,m. on June 25. Certification cards will be
Faculty and staff from TABC, Yavneh Academy, Yeshivat Noam and other area parochial schools gathered on June 7 for The Chrome-Powered Classroom, a training session
On Shabbat, June 24, Rabbi Zvi Grumet, director of the Tanach program at Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi, will be the scholar-in-residence at Congregation Beth Aaron. He