American Friends of Shalva Hosts ‘Thursday Night Live’
American Friends of Shalva held a successful “Thursday Night Live” comedy event on June 22 at the home of Hillel and Elaine Weinberger in Teaneck.
American Friends of Shalva held a successful “Thursday Night Live” comedy event on June 22 at the home of Hillel and Elaine Weinberger in Teaneck.
What began as dream over five years ago, materialized into technicolor reality recently as Heichal HaTorah of Teaneck graduated its inaugural class at the Heichal
The YJCC of Washington Township has ambitious plans that it now has the means to implement. The organization, which was originally formed 100 years ago
On Tuesday, July 4, following the 8 a.m. minyan, Rabbi Jacob Steinmetz will offer a shiur entitled,“No Artscroll Necessary: Who Says We Have to Understand
On July 5, the Arzei Darom Sisterhood will be starting a walking group for women. It will be a way to motivate yourself to exercise
On Thursday, July 13, 3 p.m.-9 p.m., Young Israel of Teaneck will be holding their annual summer blood drive. Sign up at tinyurl.com/youngisraelblooddrive, or just
On June 21, Lubavitch on the Palisades took a trip by bus to the Ohel (gravesite) of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, located
The outstanding and dedicated staff of New Jersey Yachad’s vocational training program came together for an end-of-year staff-appreciation day, celebrating the many accomplishments of this
Areyvut, a nonprofit based in Bergenfield, completed the eighth year of its Jewish Teen Philanthropy Program at Yeshivat Noam. The H.O.P.E. (Helping Organizations Provide Essentials)
The OXC Award was presented to the Beth Abraham OXC Team. In the photo is Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger, the rav, and Avi Rosalimsky, teen youth
There were no caps and gowns, and “pomp and circumstance” could not be heard in the background. What was palpable at this commencement of the
The Kaplen Adult Reach Center (ARC) at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades has just expanded its days and hours of operation to meet the