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October 24, 2024
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Divrei Torah

 Our Loving Father

Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech This week’s haftarah, the final one of the sheva d’nechemta, the seven haftarot of consolation, does not only close the post-Tisha B’Av period

The Greatest Chesed

It’s something we probably don’t appreciate enough. Being part of a community so eager to perform acts of chesed for each other. In times of

Selichos: Whistle While You Work

The holy Baal Shem Tov once praised a man who would smile, sing joyously and clap while reciting the serious vidui prayer. The local townsfolk

How to Respond to Suffering

Expressing Our Faith The mizmor of Tehillim we recite each Shabbat declares the “goodness” of singing Hashem’s praises: “Tov lehodot laShem u’lezamer leshimcha elyon,” (Tehillim

Zera Shimshon on Nitzavim

לאהבה את ה’ אלוקיך לשמוע בקולו ולדבקה בו כי הוא חייך ואורך ימיך לשבת על האדמה אשר נשבע ה’ לאבתיך לאברהם ליצחק וליעקב לתת להם:

 ‘But I Didn’t Know’

“But I didn’t know!” That famous line we hear from children, students, siblings and anyone looking for an excuse. In parshat Nitzavim, Moshe is teaching

Kiddushin 28: Mitzvah Transfer

The Chofetz Chaim—Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan of Radin—once slipped on the steps outside his house as he exited in the morning on his way to

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