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October 23, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Divrei Torah

You Are What You Want

While it’s clear from the Torah that man was created last in the process of the creation of the world, David Hamelech—at first glance—seems to

Counting Early Sefirah

“Listen, boychik, ven I vas much younger in da Bronx, the Ruf of de shul of Bais Shraga allowed it. Dat’s gut enuf for me.

The Power of Positive Speech

Frequently, when I meet someone from the Philadelphia area, they ask me if I’m related to “Mrs. Hansi Bodenheim.” “That’s my Oma (the German term

Where Is the Mizbach HaK’toret?

Parshiot Terumah and Tetzaveh comprise a distinct unit of mitzvot detailing the construction of the Mishkan. This unit is often referred to as “tzivui haMishkan,”

Your Shadow, Beyond Doubt

Having emunah in Hashem is more than just a method of coping, and making meaning of—and thereby enhancing difficult times. The merit of emunah holds

Cover for the Other

In parshat Tzav, the Torah says that the korban chatat (the sin-offering) should be slaughtered in the same place as the korban olah (the elevation-offering)

Don’t Just Act, Connect

The mitzvah of korbanot, sacrifices, has many specific instructions. Throughout Tanach, especially in this week’s parsha, Vayikra, the mitzvah of korbanot appears. A korban is

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