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October 23, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Listen Up

“And He called to Moshe, and Hashem spoke to him from the ohel moed.” Rashi says that this teaches us that Hashem’s voice stopped, and

Do You Care?

Our parsha introduces us to the various offerings that were brought in the Temple, with extensive discussion about the korban chatas, the sin offering. These

The Calling

Rav Yitzchok Breiter, HY”D, was one of the great Breslover manhigim of pre-war Europe. As one of the first Jews in Poland to make the

Calling Us to God

“And He (God) called to Moshe…” (1:1) These unusual words introduce the sefer Vayikra, third book of the Torah. Why doesn’t this sefer begin with

Managing Religious Guilt

Failure is inherent to human behavior and deeply woven into religious experience. Despite our best efforts to rise above our weaknesses and to transcend our

SVB Lessons for All of Us

I felt a familiar pang of anxiety as I read the news: Here we go again. I never had any dealings with the now-defunct Silicon

Embracing the Everyday

Parshat Vayakhel continues the detailed instructions regarding the building of the Mishkan. But right in the middle of all the instructions, God tells Moshe to

 Bells and Pomegranates

In Parshat Pekudei, we are told about the clothes of the kohen gadol. It says that on the bottom of the kohen’s clothing, there will

Give, to Forgive

The very beginning of parshat Pekudei refers to the Mishkan as the “Mishkan of testimony.” As Rashi explains, the Mishkan “testifies” to the fact that

Eye on the Prize

“The foundation of true accomplishment is a clear focus on mission, on the goal and purpose towards which we point all our efforts.” While this

Are Shabbos Housekeepers Free?

If housekeepers for Shabbos prep and use were free, would more people have them? Their presence would certainly reduce the pressure in many homes. So

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