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October 22, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Drawing Near to the King

 In last week’s Parshat Yitro, the Torah recounts Am Yisrael’s response to what they saw and heard at Har Sinai: “And all the people perceived

The Importance of Self-Importance

A student of mine recently gave me a book about the great sage, Rabbi Yitzchok Scheiner, zt”l— rosh yeshiva of Kamenitz in Eretz Yisrael—who passed

Is There Secular Morality?

Can morality exist outside of religion? This question has been debated throughout history, addressed by ancient philosophers such as Plato and Socrates, as well as

Halftime for Torah Returns

(Courtesy of Chazaq) The Super Bowl is back which means another year of Chazaq’s Halftime for Torah programming. When halftime rolls around, the Jewish world

Gratitude to the Selfish Dude

Yitro throws a party, and hosts Moshe, Aharon and all the Elders of Israel (18:12). The Gemara notes that Yitro really had self-centered motivations in

Putting Red in the Blue Label

For those who drink, it is a sad reality that the price of both whiskeys and bourbons have shot up significantly, supposedly as a repercussion

Taking Notice

How do we relate to what happens around us? Do we notice the subtle or even the obvious? Do we allow our observations to make

Speak Little and Take Action

In Parshat Yitro, we learn that action is the way of the Jews. In Pirkei Avot 1:15, Shammai says that we should speak little and

Yitro’s Secret Trait

It is often asked what it was that helped Yitro merit becoming the father-in-law of our greatest leader and teacher, Moshe Rabbeinu. Which of his

Earning the Blessings of Shabbos

During the summer, our yeshiva hosts a Torah Umesorah SEED program with eight yeshiva bochurim from the Yeshiva of Staten Island. These young men spend

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