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October 22, 2024
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Divrei Torah

The Season of Doubt

The tochacha section of Parshat Ki Tavo depicts horrifying scenes of wretched human suffering. As divine retribution for our ongoing national infidelity, we plummet into

Heads or Tails?

In this week’s Parsha, Ki Tavo, we encounter a pasuk which will be read on Rosh Hashanah. It says that if we follow Hashem’s commandments,

It’s Time to Rejoice!

In this week’s parsha of Ki Savo, we begin by noting a peculiar commandment. We read in Chapter 26, verse 11, that we need to

The Declaration of Dependence

The mitzvah of bikkurim highlights the fundamental midah of hakarat hatov. The farmer gives the kohen his first fruits, which represents giving back to Hashem.

September 11: What Went Wrong

September 11 was a global trauma. Thousands of people lost their lives and millions of others saw both their theories of religion and their notions

Building a Guard Rail

It says in Devarim 22:8: “When you build a new house, you shall make a guard rail for your roof, so that you shall not

Elul: An Overview

Since many yeshivos, seminaries and schools are now beginning, it’s time to start contemplating what Elul is all about.   Second Chances Rosh Chodesh Elul

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