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October 22, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Judaism and Body Image

There is no corner of human experience devoid of religious meaning. We stand before God in our grand moments of achievement as well as in

What Is a Blessing?

Parashat Re’eh opens with: “See I have put before you today a blessing and a curse.” The Sforno (Shemot 20:15) explains that wherever the Torah

TikTok Chesed vs. Torah Chesed

Part II Who Should Perform Chesed? The mitzvah of chesed applies equally to men and to women. It should also be taught to one’s children.

Avoiding Social Media Envy

I. Social Media Discontent Social media is what we make of it. The different social media platforms—Facebook, Instagram, etc.—allow us to share thoughts and pictures

First and Lasting Impressions

In our parsha, Bnei Yisrael is cautioned not to worship the gods of the Canaanim after Bnei Yisrael conquer their territory and reside there: “When

Channeling Our Yetzer Hara

My good friend Rabbi Moshe Ginian told me he was trying to learn and complete a certain Gemara, but he found himself frequently distracted. So

Beautiful Blessings

We have two berachot d’orayta, two explicit commands from the written Torah, to make a blessing after one finishes a meal and before learning Torah.

Yahrzeit: A Time to Remember

Of the many life cycle events we celebrate, the yahrzeit is one that is probably most filled with bittersweet emotions. “Yahrzeit” is a Yiddish word

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