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October 22, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Divrei Torah

Fulfilling Hashem’s Mission

Last year, I received an invitation to the wedding of Shmaryahu Shulman to Mika BenArbon. Shmaryahu had learned in my shiur two years before, for

Next Level Mussar

The very end of last week’s parsha records the incident of Miriam speaking lashon hara about Moshe, and the very beginning of this week’s parsha

Are We Becoming Too Un-Idea-Ed?

Moshe’s authority had become unsteady and was teetering on the edge. Having faced a barrage of complaints and grievances, he was forced to delegate some

Who Runs the World?

In Poland, we heard an incredible story of the Mozhitzer Rebbe’s student, R’ Azriel David Fastag, the composer of many magnificent famous melodies of the

A Light of Hope

The structure of Parshat Beha’alotecha appears slightly disjointed. It begins with instructions to Aharon concerning lighting the Menorah. The parsha then proceeds to the installation

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