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October 18, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Head and Heart

It seems cliche already, but as pop music songs have proven, some things never go out of style. One of those ever-lasting, oft sung-about ideas

The Great Wrap Controversy

“My Rabbi says it’s Hamotzi!” “Well, mine says you can make a Mezonos!” “What are you guys talking about?? It’s mefurash a YouTube Video—where Rav

The Power of Words

Everyone’s words have power. Our words can change someone’s perspective on another person, whether it makes them think greatly or horribly of them. Our words

Avraham’s Great Dilemma

You could not have scripted a better scenario. Avraham was missioned to preach a new religion to a confused world. He spoke of a “one

Walking With God

“Halacha” is the word that we all use to describe Jewish law. Yet, in the Torah itself, it is never used in that context. Instead,

Muktzeh on Shabbat and Yom Tov

Beitzah 30a This article is intended to present an overview of the laws of muktzeh. For any practical questions on the subject, please consult your

Shield of Avraham

This week’s parsha, Lech Lecha, states that Hashem is “the shield of Avraham.” In the first paragraph of the Amida we also have the phrase

Happy Wife, Happy Life

The Talmud (Yevamot 63a) encourages a husband to love his wife at least as much as he loves himself and to honor her more than

Noach’s Birds

Planet Earth is covered with boundless water and no dry land is visible. No terrestrial creatures can inhabit this watery chaos. Birds circle overhead. Finally,

Yeshivos as Spiritual Cocoons

During World War II, many yeshivos in Europe closed and the boys were sent home, as everyone scrambled to find a safe place to hide

A Towering Achievement

Why include the story of Migdal Bavel, the Tower of Babel, in the Torah? It serves as more than a mere a history lesson explaining

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