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October 18, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Can Modern Jews Grieve?

In a well-documented tale, Napoleon once observed French Jews sitting on the floor of a synagogue, mourning their lost Temple. He was amazed at this

What Connects Matot and Masei?

The combination of these two sections of the Torah constitutes the question, raised by all the commentators over the ages, as to whether there really

Matot: The Promise of Torah

It is almost as if Parshat Matot is trying to be ironic. We read in the preceding parsha about Tzelofchad’s daughters’ desire and effort to

When the Means Gets Mean

B’nei Gad v’Reuvain asked Moshe to settle in a land that would help their livestock thrive. They said, we shall build “pens for the flock…and

Leading Up to Tisha B’Av

I have the privilege of teaching a few halachot in between Mincha and Maariv each day, and lately we have been reviewing the laws of


Dov and Ayala, two friends, were walking home from school when it started to rain. They were wearing short sleeves and they didn’t even have

A Chosen People in a Democratic World

This July 4th weekend Americans will celebrate their Independence Day. This annual event commemorates the establishment of the “city upon the hill”—the first modern experiment

The Deeper Meaning of Tefilat Musaf

As Parshat Pinchas discusses the special sacrifices offered in the Temple on the holidays, this week provides us with an opportunity to discuss their biblical

Mitzvot on Motorcycles

Susan Matuson, a 78-year-old woman, just had a very difficult year. Aside from having to deal with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and general

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