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October 18, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Divrei Torah

The Dignity of the Individual

Jews don’t count people. Instead the Torah creates a system of tabulating the population without actually counting human beings. This indirect counting scheme is delineated

Becoming the New You

When minyanim restarted again, everyone was so excited. Finally, we’d be back together, charged up to daven with true intensity! And yet…I received a phone

Why Do We Go to Extremes?

Parshat Naso describes the option to become a nazir, prohibiting oneself from drinking wine (and even eating grapes!), cutting one’s hair and participating in the

One to One

In many shuls on Shavuot night, there is a panel of speakers arranged for every hour or so until it comes time for Shacharit. Imagine

Counting Bnei Yisrael

In the beginning of Parshat Bamidbar (1:2), Hashem commands Moshe to take a census of Bnei Yisrael. The Torah records the exact number counted, in

Revealing Colorful Covers

A midrash states that at Har Sinai Bnei Yisrael saw hosts of angels organized in ranks with banners. The midrash goes on to say that

Parshat Bamidbar

When Maya and her siblings got home from school on Friday, they saw that a great rabbi had come to visit from Israel. They were

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